Noteworthy Membership Memorandum of Understanding

Please read before submitting your audition form.

Membership Requirements

Each Noteworthy member (“Notable”) is required to meet the following membership requirements:

  • Regular timely attendance at rehearsals, workshops, and performances

  • Professional, timely, and considerate communication

  • Enthusiastic participation (in both mandatory projects as well as optional projects for which a Notable has volunteered) 

  • Preparing and cleaning the rehearsal space

  • Quarterly dues

Mandatory Projects

Notables are expected to participate in all of Noteworthy’s mandatory projects, which include:

  • At minimum one (2) performance per quarter

  • At minimum one (1) music video (audio and video submissions) per quarter

  • At minimum one (1) introductory blog post

Volunteer Projects

Participation in Noteworthy’s volunteer projects is not per se mandatory, however, the attendance, participation, and dedication policies outlined below will take effect once a Notable volunteers for a project. 

Volunteer projects may include but are not limited to:

  • “One Notable Minute” music videos

  • Small group numbers

  • Administrative tasks

  • Supplemental blogs

Attendance and Dedication

Punctuality, consistent attendance, and intentional participation are essential responsibilities of each Notable.

Notables are expected to regularly and promptly attend rehearsal as scheduled [currently Sundays from 11AM - 1PM] already prepared to sing. Notables also are expected to remain at rehearsal for the full two hours. Late arrival, early departure, or other absences from scheduled hours are disruptive and must be avoided.

Participation and dedication are another core tenet in any musical ensemble. Notables are expected to be present and engaged for all rehearsals, recording sessions (both audio and video), workshops, and performances. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Please review our Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are an all-gender group; where most groups simply say "co-ed," we expand upon that, meaning we accept members of any individual gender expression and respect and use their pronouns.

In 2024, we are committed to being inclusive in both our language and our actions. We only consider potential members who can respect trans and non-binary people or are committed to growing in their ability to do so. This commitment extends to respecting individuals both within and outside the group. Members of Noteworthy are representatives of the organization, and while we don’t expect perfection, we do expect active and consistent efforts toward inclusivity.

Music and Performances

Performance Presentation and Attire

For performances (in-person; pre-recorded and edited; or virtual and live) there will always be a dress code, color scheme, or motif/theme/gimmick to which the group would adhere. These parameters would be decided by the group in advance of an event and would not incur significant personal cost. (E.g. no one’s going to ask you to rent a tux or ball gown from Rent the Runway).

Additionally, some of our community workshops and performances may take place in upscale establishments or places of worship. If so, performers and workshops facilitators would need to be mindful of their appearance and behavior when representing Noteworthy Philadelphia in the public eye. Being an all-gender group, however, Notables are free to express their gender identity with clothing however they choose within the agreed upon dress codes for a given event. 

Music Content Expression and Censorship

Some of our selected musical numbers may contain expletives, ethnic-specific or queer language, or adult themes not appropriate for all audiences.

If a family-friendly version is difficult to come by for a performance, that number could be skipped in lieu of something more appropriate.

Therefore, soloists who choose to audition for songs that fall into the above categories need to be mindful of possible limitations in performance opportunities (Think Lizzo, Kanye West, Ben Folds, Cee-Lo Green, or Eminem).

Additionally, some soloists and arrangers may choose to maintain the original lyrics for songs in terms of expletives or gender-choices. Auditioning for the group implies you are comfortable with background singing along with songs that maintain the ethnic-specific lyrics or inject LGBTQIA-specific themes in songs. 

Holiday Civic Engagement

This group is non-denominational; however, leading up to and during the winter holiday season, Noteworthy participates in holiday activities and performances for civic and community engagement. In order to maximize the group’s reach and fundraising opportunities, Noteworthy works on several Christmas arrangements.

In an effort to be inclusive, Noteworthy is able to incorporate a few non-Christmas holiday numbers if Notables bring the arrangements to the Executive Board in September before the holiday season begins.

If a Notable is uncomfortable performing Christmas songs, they will be required to participate in community musical holiday endeavors about which they are passionate. They will be required to document their civic engagement experience with photography and the submission of a blog about how they served the community during the holiday season. While participation in the Christmas numbers is not required, Notables who would like to opt out must do so formally via e-mail before September 30th. In that e-mail, they must also present their proposed alternative holiday civic engagement opportunity. 

As civic engagement is a major tenet of Noteworthy, failure to participate in Holiday Civic Engagement of some kind will result in probational membership and possible expulsion from the group. The objective is to demonstrate how Noteworthy is intricately involved in the Greater Philadelphia Area community; however, the goal is that all Notables participate for the sake of music and charity.